The Female Gaze - The female gaze

With the exhibition "The Female Gaze", DIE GALERIE invites you to venture a change of perspective. The group exhibition with twelve female artists directs the viewer's gaze to female positions in art. The "female gaze" can be understood as a term for a women-specific view of both art production and the representation of women in art. The international exhibition presents sculptures by Beate Debus and Sonja Edle von Hoeßle, an installation by Monika Linhard, photographs by Ann-Christine Woehrl as well as paintings and drawings by Rissa, Chunqing Huang, Kim Du Rye, Lita Cabellut, Cathalijn Wouters, Regina Götz, Amy Ernst and Leonor Fini. In the juxtaposition of the gallery's artists with new faces, different styles, materials and techniques come together; abstraction and figuration meet and give rise to new, surprising synergies. The participating artists also represent independent positions thematically: From the examination of their own identity to the exploration of the female body in painting and sculpture, from the relationship to the environment and nature to the investigation of distant cultures and socially relevant women's issues to individual expression in gestural abstraction, each artist focuses her attention on her very own areas of interest. The wealth of artistic media in which their creativity finds expression contributes to an extremely differentiated and multi-faceted presentation. The exhibition in DIE GALERIE reflects the richness and range of female art and proves one thing: a singular "female gaze" does not exist.


Lita Cabellut, Beate Debus, Sonja Edle von Hoeßle, Amy Ernst, Leonor Fini, Regina Götz, Chunqing Huang, Kim Du Rye, Monika Linhard, Rissa, Ann-Christine Woehrl, Cathalijn Wouters
The Female Gaze - Der weibliche Blick
Jun 6 - Sep 11

Peter Femfert
Grüneburgweg 123
60323 Frankfurt am Main


THE MIXER Frankfurt


E30 Gallery