nice architects

ETA Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld

For some time now, J8dCH has been concerned with the behavior of people who are in a process of transportation, "transporting themselves", whereby they are also in "rest mode", so to speak. In recent years, this situation has changed considerably due to the use of smartphones. There are hardly any places left where free seconds are not spent looking at one's own mobile device. One exception to this is airports, where boards with wayfinding systems that help you find your way with your own eyes play a more important role than smartphones. The pictures, painted with egg tempera and oil paint on monochrome canvas, create a sense of a place that shows "transit", they also deal with figures that are helpless, lost, waiting, unwavering and unperturbed with a rolling pedestal, the "suitcase" as a support, making a transition, going over, through or past.

see-saws & superstructures Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld

"Because, to put it bluntly, people only play when they are human in the full sense of the word, and they are only fully human when they play."

(Friedrich Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, Part 2; Letter 15)

To what extent is the playground a pedagogically regulated place subject to the norm, a political-ideological reflection and project of society and the city?

Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld has always found playgrounds to be particularly distressing non-places, precisely because they are part of our cultural heritage. In New York, she collected photographs of playgrounds in order to examine non-places, places of use and play and their contextual integration. The result is a typology that makes the essential and the comparable visible. The works are executed with pastel chalk and beeswax. Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld teaches in the Department of Design at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. After studying at the Berlin University of the Arts, she moved to New York and established her graphic design studio. In 2016, she moved back to Europe with her two children. 


Eta Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld

Susanne netter
Weckmartk 8
60311 Frankfurt am Main


Kai Middendorff Gallery

