talk of galleries

Focus on art and the art market

The Frankfurt galleries' season opener celebrates its 30th anniversary this year from September 6-8. This milestone birthday is a good opportunity to ask what the current state of Frankfurt's galleries is. What challenges are Frankfurt's galleries facing? What discourses and themes characterize their curatorial work? What conditions does Hesse offer as a location?

We would like to discuss and analyze these and other questions in more detail in the three-part event series Talk of Galleries as well as with a representative survey, the Frankfurt Gallery Report . The panel discussion at the 7th Hessian Creative Industries Day on June 21 in Frankfurt will kick things off. This will be followed by two discussion events on July 4 and October 11, each with two 50-minute talks and a get-together afterwards, focusing on the art market, content, experience and business model. You can look forward to inspiring talks, stimulating discussions and diverse perspectives from galleries, museums, journalism and art studies.

Talk of Galleries is made possible by funding from the State of Hesse.



  • Dr. Sebastian Baden

    Photo © Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt - Gaby Gerster

    Sebastian Baden (*1980) has been Director of the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt since July 2022. Under his leadership, the Schirn recorded the most successful year in its history in 2023 with over half a million visitors and numerous international collaborations. Baden places a particular focus on diversity, sustainability, democracy and political art as well as mediation and outreach. He was also instrumental in driving forward the climate-friendly refurbishment of the Schirn, which will begin in 2025. Prior to this, Baden was curator for contemporary art, sculpture and new media at the Kunsthalle Mannheim from 2016 to 2022 and taught art studies and media theory at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design from 2010 to 2016. He completed his doctorate in 2014 on "The image of terrorism in the art system."

    Art market and content
    Thursday, July 4, Kai Middendorff Gallery

  • Anita Beckers

    Photo © Urban Media Project

    Anita Beckers, born in 1947, began her career as an office management teacher and developed a career as a gallery owner and curator of contemporary art over the course of four decades. In 1995, she founded her gallery in Darmstadt, which she moved to Frankfurt's Gallus district in 1998. Galerie Anita Beckers has been located in Braubachstraße in the city center since 2015. Her commitment to video art, which she demonstrated as curator of the B3 Biennale for the Moving Image from 2013 to 2017, is highlighted. She has gained international recognition through presentations at leading fairs such as Art Basel and FRIEZE Masters. Anita Beckers makes a significant contribution to the promotion of contemporary art and is an important voice in the Frankfurt art scene.

    Art in the store (KWTAG24)
    Friday, June 21, 2024, SPARK

  • Dr. Britta von Campenhausen

    Photo © Urban Media Project

    After studying art history, economics and Italian literature in Heidelberg and Berlin and spending time studying in Florence and Venice, she gained valuable experience by working as a freelancer for various galleries and organizing exhibitions. From 2003 to 2007 she worked for the Frick Collection in New York. Since 2007 she has been working as a freelance art historian and curator in Frankfurt. Her activities include the supervision of the collection and exhibitions of the European Central Bank (2010-2020), guided tours of the Städel Museum's permanent collection and special exhibitions, as well as the curatorial conception and realization of trips for the Städelscher Museumsverein. Since 2020 she has been a representative of Grisebach Auctions, Berlin.

    Art in the store (KWTAG24)
    Friday, June 21, 2024, SPARK

  • Dr. Sebastian Daub

    Photo © Eva Bohl

    Dr. Sebastian Daub is a lawyer and partner at the international law firm Linklaters LLP. His professional focus is on advising international investors on corporate acquisitions and disposals, in particular for financial investors in the infrastructure sector. He is co-head of the global Infrastructure Sector at Linklaters. Sebastian Daub has been collecting contemporary art for around 30 years, in particular German and international painting. He is a member of the Collectors Club of the MMK Frankfurt and a member of the board of the Friends of the MMK. He was previously a co-founder and long-standing board member of Atelierfrankfurt eV.

    Art market and content
    Thursday, July 4, Kai Middendorff Gallery

  • Christian Ganzenberg

    Photo © Pablo Lauf

    Christian Ganzenberg, born in 1980, worked for various corporate art collections, including the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection (2006-2017), after studying in Chemnitz, Stuttgart and Pittsburgh. During this time, he has realized numerous exhibition projects in Germany and abroad and initiated extensive publications. At the same time, he works as a freelance curator for museums, art associations and galleries, most recently in China, Mozambique and the USA. Christian Ganzenberg also writes and edits artist catalogs on Martin Boyce, Cao Fei, Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel, Nic Hess, Leonhard Hurzlmeier, Natalia Stachon and Hartmut Böhm, among others. He has been the director of Various Others in Munich since 2022.

    Urban experience and business model
    Friday, October 11, DZ BANK Art Foundation

  • Svenja Grosser

    Photo © Städel Museum - Felix Schmitt

    Svenja Grosser has been Head of the Contemporary Art Collection at the Städel Museum since 2024. Born in Cologne in 1991, she studied art history, German and philosophy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. She has been working at the Städel since 2018 and, as deputy director for the past three years, has provided academic support for the collection and curated numerous exhibitions - most recently projects on Muntean/Rosenblum, Victor Man and Ugo Rondinone. In 2020, she was co-responsible for the new presentation of the Contemporary Art Collection as project manager. As co-initiator of the DigAMus Award-winning art and education space CLOSE UP and the digital application of the same name, Svenja Grosser is committed to a broad perception of and engagement with contemporary art.

    Art market and content
    Thursday, July 4, Kai Middendorff Gallery

  • Dr. Christina Leber

    Photo © Norbert Miguletz

    Dr. Christina Leber, born in Mainz in 1966, studied art history, Catholic theology and education at various universities in Germany and abroad and completed her studies with a doctorate on "Art collections of commercial enterprises in Germany from 1950 to 2000". From 1992 to 1999 she worked as a freelancer in numerous corporate collections - including Merrill Lynch, Goldman, Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Tetra Pak, DG BANK - and from 1999 to 2001 she was managing director of the 2nd Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. Christina Leber has worked for the DZ BANK Art Collection since 2003, initially as a curator and since 2011 as head of the collection. Since 2018, she has regularly taken on teaching assignments at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

    Urban experience and business model
    Friday, October 11, DZ BANK Art Foundation

  • Dr. Pay Matthis Karstens

    Photo © Galerie Judin, Berlin.

    Art historian Dr. Pay Matthis Karstens is a partner at Galerie Judin in Berlin and on the board of directors of the Berlin-based Das kleine Grosz Museum, which he co-founded. Born in Flensburg in 1989, he studied Art and Visual History, German Literature and Contemporary Art Theory at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Goldsmiths in London and the Technical University of Berlin. At the same time, he worked for the German Historical Museum, the Käthe Kollwitz Museum Berlin, the Liebermann Villa, the Berlinische Galerie and the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, among others. He is co-editor of the catalogs of works by Eugen Schönebeck, Michael Buthe and Cornelia Schleime. Since 2016, he has run Galerie Judin together with Juerg Judin, which focuses on contemporary figurative art.

    Art market and content
    Thursday, July 4, Kai Middendorff Gallery

  • Dr. Sakhile Matlhare

    Photo © Katharina Dubno

    Sakhile Matlhare is co-founder of the gallery Sakhile&Me in Frankfurt. She studied at Hamilton College in Clinton/NY (USA) and the University of Sydney before completing her doctorate at Northwestern University on the topic of "Africanness" as a Professional Trading Chip: Contemporary African Artists as Producers and Secondary Arbiters in the Gatekeeping Process. She then decided against an academic career and instead founded Sakhile&Me as an exhibition space inspired by the artists she had met during her PhD research.

    Art market and content
    Thursday, July 4, Kai Middendorff Gallery

  • Barbara von Stechow

    Photo ©Andreas von Einsiedel

    In 2025, Barbara von Stechow celebrates the 30th anniversary of her gallery in Frankfurt's Westend. After studying at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University and the European Business School, Barbara von Stechow initially managed the Galerie am Schweizer Platz before opening her own gallery in Feldbergstraße in 1995. Since then, Galerie Barbara von Stechow has shaped the Frankfurt art scene and presents internationally established artists as well as up-and-coming talent. Her focus is on the promotion of contemporary young talents from German-speaking countries and the exclusive representation of American artists in Europe.

    Barbara von Stechow has been a member of the board of the State Association of Galleries in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate since 2002. In addition to her work as a gallery owner, she has held the office of President of the Union International Club since 2014.

    Urban experience and business model
    Friday, October 11, DZ BANK Art Foundation

  • Heike Strelow

    Photo © Urban Media Project

    Heike Strelow founded her gallery for international contemporary art in 2007. Since then, the gallery has offered curated solo and group exhibitions that combine young artists with established positions. The gallery works closely with artists to create optimal conditions for the presentation of their works. Heike Strelow represents trend-independent, innovative and forward-looking artistic approaches. Since 2009, she has also been showing her artists' works at art fairs in Germany, Europe and the USA. In addition to her gallery work, she also works as a curator, organizes exhibitions and develops concepts for art in public spaces. In 2018, together with Kerstin Walter, she founded the project office Strelow & Walter Projects, which specializes in art mediation and classical art consulting.

    Art market and content
    Thursday, July 4, Kai Middendorff Gallery

  • Birgit Maria Sturm

    Photo © Clara Wenzel-Theiler

    Birgit Maria Sturm is managing director of the Federal Association of German Galleries and Art Dealers (BVDG) and was spokesperson for the German Art Council from 2004 to 2010. She studied German language and literature, philosophy and art history in Frankfurt am Main and has published widely on the subject of art and law as well as on topics relevant to the art market. She represents the BVDG on a voluntary basis in several committees, including the Advisory Board of the Artists' Social Security Fund, the German Cultural Council and the Coalition for Cultural and Creative Industries (K3D). In 2018, she played a key role in the founding of the Interessengemeinschaft deutscher Kunsthandelsverbände (Interest Group of German Art Trade Associations), to which the six most important art market associations in Germany belong.

    Art in the store (KWTAG24)
    Friday, June 21, 2024, SPARK

Frankfurt gallery Report

The Frankfurt Gallery Art Report is based on a representative digital survey sent to the 44 Frankfurt galleries included in the survey. The results will be presented to the public in an online publication and at the Talk of Galleries on October 11.