Gallery Leuenroth

Yvette Kiessling

Yvette Kießling is a traveler - and a researcher. As a consequence, she follows a multi-perspective view of landscape. To mark the start of the 30th season of the Frankfurt galleries, she is showing her most recent works at Galerie Leuenroth, in which she negotiates the impressions of her multiple stays in Tanzania. These are a direct expression of her aesthetic and sensual experiences there, through whose painterly reflection Kießling approaches unknown terrain. The variation in light and color as well as the flora, which she unfolds with tremendous intensity, is decisive in this regard. In addition, Kießling increasingly devoted herself to the interpretation of landscape as a cultural space by incorporating finely observed signs of cultural transformation into her motifs for the first time.

During the exhibition, an artist talk with Yvette Kießling and Antje Kraus (Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz) will take place on September 26, 2024, which will trace these very lines of development in Kießling's work, at the beginning of which stands the individual positioning towards landscape - and whose status quo touches on the integration of cultural-historical aspects.

Yvette Kießling (*1978 in Ilmenau) studied painting at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig under Prof. Arno Rink from 1997 to 2003, followed by master class studies under Prof. Arno Rink, graduating in 2007. Kießling has received numerous awards and scholarships and has traveled for years to Tanzania, Zanzibar, Morocco, Vietnam, Thailand and Poland, among other places. Her works are represented in private and public collections, including the Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Kunsthalle Hamburg, Kunsthalle der Sparkasse Leipzig, Deutsche Bank Collection, VNG AG Leipzig. Yvette Kießling lives and works in Leipzig.


Yvette Kießling
From now to then
Sep 06 - Oct 19
Talk with Yvette Kießling: 26.09.

Kirsten Leuenroth
Fahrgasse 15
60311 Frankfurt am Main


Gallery Hübner & Hübner


Gallery Maurer