Deutscher Werkbund Hessen E.V.
Katrin Paul
scratching scratching
tearing biting throwing
welding drilling and rumbling
cooking punching punching
salting snapping carving
pouring salt into wounds
rubbing guessing waiting
burning smoking smoking
exploding then crystallizing. *
* Katrin Paul on her work with paper.
Paper is patient. It has to be when it falls into my hands. I bite, scratch, drill and explode paper - spill liquids on it and kick and crush material. Despite this brute approach, I create quiet, almost meditative installations, poetic appropriations of space and gracefulness.
Photographic failure with questions about "real representation", for example, paved the way for me to rethink these questions and then to realize them in new ways with paper. I began to capture ephemeral, fleeting things that escaped me through photography on paper. I depicted snow and rain on paper with the help of flour (gluten), smoke and fumes with fire and black powder. This allowed me to capture not only the image, but also the essence of these ephemeral phenomena, adding a sensual, haptic level to my artistic work through the material of paper.
Paper has now replaced photography in my artistic work. And I am pushing more and more into the space with my paper works. First with folds, then with meandering strips of paper and crumpled paper, piled up into large sculptures, I conquer the space.
Katrin Paul
playful 2024
Sep 06 - Sep 27
Petra Schwerdtner
Weckmarkt 5
60311 Frankfurt am Main