Rush Hour - Cultural Festival

Cultural project along the Hanauer Landstraße

It is busy, fast, noisy and in some places inhospitable: the Hanauer Landstraße. One of the city's major arteries and one of the longest. It runs through the Ostend, commercial areas, past old and new logistics centers such as the Osthafen and the freight depot, the ECB and is itself intersected by the freeway. A transshipment point for goods, foreign exchange, services and data. A booming mile thanks to the establishment of the European Central Bank.

However, the street and the adjacent neighborhoods are also a lifeline, a social and cultural space and home to important cultural institutions and actors.

From September 3 to 22, 2024, the Heussenstamm Foundation will be holding a major interdisciplinary cultural festival along Hanauer Landstraße entitled "Rush Hour", which will focus on the street and the various neighborhoods. Around 30 artists have been asked to create site-specific artistic works that will be shown as interventions in 3 large group exhibitions and at various locations in the public space. The focus is not only on the above-mentioned themes, but also on new and surprising perspectives on urban space. Performances, musical interventions, readings or artistic films about the Hanauer Landstraße as well as a wide-ranging thematic program of guided tours will complement and enrich the festival and provide an inside view.

The "Rush Hour" project opens up new perspectives on the street. It also establishes important networks between a wide variety of players in the Hanauer Landstraße area and creates clear visibility for the vibrant art and cultural scene there. It highlights the diversity and vibrancy of cultural players based beyond the city center. Urbanity at its best along the Hanauer.

 The "Rush Hour" project is under the patronage of Dr. Ina Hartwig, Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Frankfurt and Prof. Dr. Marcus Gwechenberger, Head of Urban Planning of the City of Frankfurt


Rush Hour - cultural festival
Hanauer Landstrasse, Frankfurt am Main
Sep 03 - Sep 22

Christian Kaufmann
Braubachstraße 34
60311 Frankfurt am Main

RushHour Kulturfestival


Pi - π Projects

