E30 Gallery

Holger Kurt Jäger, Lenia Hauser

E30 Gallery for Contemporary Art was founded in 2021 by Alex and Felicitas Krupp to promote young, emerging and established artists. Their aim is to bring collectors and first-time buyers together with artists and create an inviting space where art can be celebrated.

In the duo exhibition "give me your gum!", E30 Gallery presents artworks by Lenia Hauser and Holger Kurt Jäger. Holger Kurt Jäger was born in Düsseldorf in 1979 and studied fine art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Essen, where he was a master student of Stephan Schneider. In his works, forms, pop-cultural objects and people come together to create a portrait of our times. Bright colors, a pointed collage that often humorously highlights the elements of our time and a reduced aesthetic are a recurring element in his work. At the same time, he plays with contrasts and the juxtaposition and decontextualization of familiar colors, structures and materials. In this way, a dog or the blossoms of a bouquet of flowers take on a surreal texture - blurring the dividing line between the figurative and the abstract in his work.

Lenia Hauser was born in Remscheid in 1989 and studied at the Burg Giebichenstein Art Academy in Halle/Saale, among others. Her works are dedicated to a fundamental element that is easily overlooked: The ground beneath our feet. Each picture seems to be an overhead view and contains a geographical trace that does not reveal whether it shows a distant or nearby place, a landscape or even an organism. Inspired by "urban geography", the irregularly laid sidewalks and repaired streets, but also by natural rock formations and cycles, earth crusts, erosion, lava and moss. The works painted on canvas or wood consist of amorphous shapes that sometimes drift, sometimes stick to the background and are reminiscent of jigsaw puzzles. Countless layers of material (spray can, acrylic, oil pastel) form the half-hidden framework for the floating, visible elements. All of this works together as a living system in which the viewer can "linger" and "wander around".

Holger Kurt Jäger, Lenia Hauser
give me your gum!
Sep 06 - Oct 18

Opening hours:
Vernissage, 06.09., 18-22 h with the two artists & DJ
Sat: 15-17 h
Sun: 12-15 h

Alexander Krupp
60316 Frankfurt am Main



