
Seongsin Lee, Elisa Deutloff

Interactive installation and performance
by Seongsin Lee and Elisa Deutloff
+ Performances by NWIT & normkonform

Thu 05.09. 19.00 - 22.00 (21.00 Premiere)
Fri 06.09. 19.00 - 22.00 (21.00 Performance)
Sat 06.09. 14.00 - 18.00
Sun 08.09. 14.00 - 18.00 (17.00 performance)

Parasocial relationship is defined as a one-sided friendship or relationship between an individual and a public figure, such as an influencer, a film star or a musician. It is characterized by the fact that the fan feels and perceives the "star" as a real friend, but the star does not know the fan.
This can lead to strange dynamics, which the two artists have explored with their Parasocial Interaction project and depicted in their installation.
Loneliness is often found to be the trigger for this phenomenon and thus the thesis can be put forward that parasocial relationships can take away loneliness for the moment, but potentially disconnect the individual even further from reality. In the end, this supposed relationship or friendship turns out to be a projection of personal desires onto the famous person that remain unfulfilled.
For their installation, Seongsin Lee and Elisa Deutloff have constructed a 'deepfake machine' with which they collect clips of visitors' faces, edit them and process them into visuals. Parasocial Interaction plays with the caricature of the online universe, referencing various pop-cultural quotes and attempting to merge these realities.
The duo will be putting on a music performance on three evenings to accompany the installation, which will run during the day.


Seongsin Lee, Elisa Deutloff
Parasocial Interaction
Sep 05 - Sep 08

Alex Oppermann
Bleichstraße 66 Hinterhaus
60313 Frankfurt am Main


Rush Hour - Cultural Festival
